Stock company «Donaerodorstroy» is a leading construction and building company in the South of Russia.
It has been operating since 1956, is a part of Construction group of companies «Don». The company constructed main highways and runways in the South of Russia.
Since mid 90-s of the last century they have constructed a net of roads with total length of over 500 km. The company also constructed a number of strategic objects in Rostov, Voronezh, Volgograd and Krasnodar regions.
The biggest projects of road infrastructure improvement include М-6 (Р-22 «Kaspiy»), М-21 (А-260), М-23 (А-280), М-29 (Р-217 «Kavkaz»). Reconstruction of federal road М-4 «Don» was the company’s positive experience.
60 years of work have resulted in construction of over 4000 km highways and over 1040 thousand м2 of runway coverage.